Associate in Occupational Studies Degree

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This program of study prepares the student to be a drafting technician capable of working with professionals in the many facets of the technical drawing and solid modeling design fields. Emphasis is placed  on architectural and mechanical drafting along with related courses for technical comprehension of the subject. The development of problem solving skills is stressed. Topics include conventional drafting methods and computer-aided drafting (CAD) systems such as AutoCAD, MicroStation, and Solidworks. With the addition of ED100 College Seminar and Physical Education, the Computer-Aided Drafting certificate constitutes the first year of this program. At least one year of high school mathematics or equivalent, including algebra, is recommended.

Goal 1 The graduate is proficient with common applications computer-aided drafting technology

  • The student will demonstrate the ability to produce several types of drawings using CAD software.

Goal 2 The graduate will enter the field of computer-aided drafting

  • The graduate will enter a career related to the computer-aided drafting field within three years of graduation.

Goal 3 The graduate will complete drawings using standard CAD techniques

  • The student will demonstrate the use of standard CAD drawing methods to prepare a variety of technical drawings.

Goal 4 The graduate will successfully interact with others through drawings and other technical means.

  • The student will prepare CAD drawings based on generally accepted national and international standards.
  • The student will demonstrate the use of universal technical concepts (e.g. mathematics, Newtonian mechanics).

Goal 5 The graduate will communicate effectively

  • The student will demonstrate the ability to clearly describe CAD drawings and techniques in an oral presentation.
  • The student will demonstrate the ability to gather information needed for drawings using the internet.

Goal 6 The graduate will quantitatively analyze common CAD problems.

  • The student will demonstrate quantitative skills directly applicable to common CAD and technical problems.

Goal 7 To prepare students to demonstrate information literacy

  • Students will use traditional and contemporary information technology
  • Students will identify, access, and appropriately use authoritative sources of information

Total Credit Hours: 64

First Semester

This course is an opportunity for students to develop the skills necessary to be successful in college. Students learn the importance of the faculty-student and advisor-advisee relationship, develop time management techniques, apply effective study skill techniques, recognize the implications of living in a diverse society, utilize college resources, and explore career and transfer requirements. Collaborative projects are included. Students matriculated in a degree program must take this course in their first term of study.

This course focuses on several kinds of writing-self-expressive, informative, and argumentative/persuasive, and others. A minimum of five essay compositions are required. The course emphasizes the composition of clear, correct, and effective prose required in a variety of professions and occupations. Prerequisites: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or EN090 Basic Writing Skills or SL116 ESL4: Advanced Composition or SL145 ESOL Advanced Composition

This course covers the effective oral and written contexts of occupational communications. It includes practice in oral presentations, business letters, resumes, memos, instructional materials and reports, and visual aids. It is designed specifically for A.O.S. degree programs. Prerequisite: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or EN090 Basic Writing Skills or SL116 ESL4: Advanced Composition or SL145 ESOL Advanced Composition.

This course introduces the techniques and concepts of GIS. The mapping software package ArcGIS is used to display, analyze, and query spatial data sets. Topics include coordinate systems/datums, symbology, classifications, digital imagery, and global positioning systems. (Fall semester)

This course covers the four fundamental operations on integers, rational numbers, and real numbers. It includes the study of weights and measures, exponents and radicals, factoring, and linear equations, with an emphasis on technical applications.

This course provides the foundation and problem-solving skills necessary to develop and interpret engineering drawings using the computer-aided drafting software (AutoCAD). Topics include assembly and detail drawing composition; design for assembly/manufacturing (DFA/DFM); geometric dimensioning and tolerancing; tolerance control and standard fits; fasteners; gearing; sheet metal developments; weldments; functional drafting techniques; and the development of 2-D and 3-D CAD generated drawings and system operations.

Take any Physical Education Course

Second Semester

This course encourages a deeper understanding of human nature and the human condition through the study of ideas and values expressed in imaginative literature. Emphasis is placed on the use and development of critical thinking and language skills. Library-oriented research is required. Prerequisite: EN101 English 1: Composition or EN105 English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages or EN106 English 1: Composition & Reading.

This course emphasizes the preparation of written reports, focusing on organization, format, language, and purpose. Reports based on the types written in the fields of business, industry, and sciences are prepared. Prerequisite: EN110 Oral & Written Communication.

This course is a continuation of MA105 Technical Mathematics 1, with further topics from algebra as well as from geometry and trigonometry, and an emphasis on technical applications. Prerequisite: MA105 Technical Mathematics 1.

This course is an introduction to the standard drawing techniques and design concepts used for residential and light commercial buildings. Topics include foundations, framing, windows and doors, structural sections, floor plans, elevations, specifications, building codes, and perspectives. Prerequisite: MT140 Drafting and Design Using AutoCAD.

This independent study capstone course involves the creation of a project using GIS. Proposals must have instructor approval. Projects incorporate collecting GPS data, building an attribute geo-database, and are completed using ArcGIS software. Final presentations are required, which explain data collection techniques, analysis, and project success. Prerequisite: CT265 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). (Spring semester)

This is an advanced course using AutoCAD. Topics include menu customization, theory and operational concepts for three-dimensional CAD drawings and models, solid modeling, rendering and editing techniques. Prerequisites: MT140 Drafting and Design Using AutoCAD

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Third Semester

This course includes both basic technical drawing techniques and MicroStation CAD to support engineering design. Topics include line types, dimensioning, scaling, auxiliary views, sectioning, and notations. This course also introduces the use of MicroStation software. Topics include operational concepts; main palette use; projecting elements; entity construction and editing; entity manipulations; and text and dimensioning parameters.

This course introduces traditional processes used in manufacturing and methods of processing raw materials into manufactured components. Materials such as plastics, metals, composites, and elements of micro-fabrication and nano-fabrication are covered. Assembly methods include plastics joining, fasteners, and automation.

This course is an introduction into the use of three-dimensional solid modeling CAD software. Topics include creating models using features such as protrusions, cuts, rounds, blends, revolutions, and sweeps. Model planning and design intent are stressed. Assemblies, drawings, documentation, and detailing are also covered, as well as output and interfaces with common software such as spreadsheets and word processing.

This course integrates previous and current course work and applies it to the design of manufactured parts. Designing for easier and more economical manufacturing is emphasized. Topics include assigning tolerances based upon how the part is to function, common manufacturing process tolerances, limit dimensions, avoiding tolerance accumulation, datums, introduction to geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, ASME Y-14.5M-1994, and functional gaging. Prerequisite: MT140 Drafting and Design Using AutoCAD.

This course covers the various types of service system drawings, such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), water supply, drainage distribution, fire protection, and control systems. Both residential and commercial applications are emphasized, along with CAD drawing methods. Prerequisite: MT112 Architectural Drafting.

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Fourth Semester

This course covers the legal problems, building codes, specifications and efficient construction methods relating to construction projects. Topics include estimating costs of construction projects and construction scheduling.

This course introduces the fundamentals of tool design. Topics include break-even charts, tool materials, workholding principles, 3-2-1 basis of location, jig and fixture design for different processes, presswork tooling, punch and die set, gaging and assembly tooling. Prerequisites: MT221 Tolerance and Assembly Drafting. (Spring Semester)

This course covers basic electrical principles and electronic components, and several types of drawings to support design and documentation of electrical circuits. Topics include device symbols, schematics, ladder diagrams, logic diagrams, architectural electrical drawings, and basic electrical circuit principles such as voltage, current, resistance, Ohms law, and power. Prerequisites: MT140 Drafting and Design Using AutoCAD or CT102 Engineering Drawing and MicroStation CAD.

This is an advanced level course using MicroStation. Topics include theory and operational concepts for three-dimensional CAD drawings and models, solid modeling, rendering, display, and editing techniques. Prerequisites: CT102 Engineering Drawing and MicroStation CAD

This course covers advanced solid modeling concepts and techniques. Topics include creating complex parametric models and assemblies using all feature types; creating detail and assembly drawings with various sectioning and view techniques; measurements; surfaces; and motion and analysis models. Model and assembly pre-planning are emphasized. Prerequisites: MT155 Introduction to Solid Modeling

Take any Physical Education Course

(a) English Elective options include: EN101 English 1: Composition OR EN110 Oral & Written Communication

(b) English Elective options include: EN102 English 2: Ideas & Values in Literature OR EN147 Report Writing