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This program was developed at the request of, and in cooperation with, the New York State Association for Superintendents of School Buildings and Grounds (SBGA), which represent 600 schools and 30 BOCES Systems of Superintendents of Buildings and Grounds and all related personnel. The program prepares personnel for management positions in school buildings and grounds, and further enhances the skills of those already occupying such positions. Graduates will be effective and efficient in decision making situations in facilities management, equipped to stay abreast of critical issues in their changing environment. Emphasis is on courses in Facilities Maintenance, Basic Education Law, Public Health and Safety in Schools, and New York State Public School Budgeting and Accounting.

Goal 1. Develop basic skills to prepare the student for a career as a School Facilities Manager

  • Students are able to manage all necessary technical aspects of a commercial building’s daily existence.
  • Graduates obtain a career as School Facilities Manager.

Goal 2. Prepare students to work effectively as part of a diverse technical team

  • Students will collaborate in the design of energy improvements required for sustainable operation in a building.
  • The student will demonstrate openness toward diverse points of view, and draw upon knowledge and experiences of others to function as a team member.

Goal 3. To prepare the student to present technical materials via discussion

  • The student will be able to present reports in a clear and concise manner via discussion board on Blackboard.

Goal 4. Prepare the student to apply basic technical concepts and industry practices to implement in facilities improvements & designs

  • Students will be able to read building blueprints and analyze any new design improvements.

Goal 5. Prepare the student to maintain and coordinate building maintenance & improvements

  • The student will be able to read complex electrical diagrams and analyze their designs.
  • The student will be able to configure industrial control systems.

Goal 6. Prepare student to utilize basic principles and resources in the development of solutions to technical challenges

  • The student will demonstrate the ability to troubleshoot and develop a corrective action plan.

Goal 7. To prepare students to demonstrate information literacy

  • Students will use traditional and contemporary information technology.
  • Students will identify, access, and appropriately use authoritative sources of information.

Gainful Employment - follow the link below for gainful employment information.


Total Credit Hours: 30

First Semester

This course is the study of how individuals and groups act in organizations. It explores a systems approach in developing organizational and human resource objectives, as well as a holistic approach in examining relations among groups, individuals, and systems as they relate to the organization.

This web-based course introduces basic electrical theory. The course is a study of electron theory, Ohm’s Law, series and parallel circuits, electrical energy, power relationships, and electromagnetism. DC circuit theory is emphasized. This course does not satisfy the requirements for any courses in the Electrical Service Technician programs.

This web-based course introduces construction and facility plans and blueprints necessary for a construction or maintenance project, including how to interpret information from plans and blueprints.

This web-based course provides the rationale for an occupationally safe and healthy work environment in an educational facility. Skills include working effectively with school emergencies, safe internal and external facility environments, and safety inspections.

This course provides both professional engineers as well as engineering students interested in energy systems with essential knowledge of major energy technologies, including function, quantitative evaluation cost, and impact on the natural environment. Topics covered include fossil fuel combustion, carbon sequestration, nuclear energy, wind energy, and biofuels.

Second Semester

This course introduces the functions involved with managing the human resources within an organization. Topics include job design and analysis, recruitment and selection, performance appraisals, training, compensation administration, benefits, and employee rights.

This course explores the features of mechanical and electrical systems typically included as part of the utility of service grouping in modern buildings, including design principles, materials and equipment, installation, operation, and maintenance. All mechanical aspects of supporting a building are covered, including air handling, HVAC, heat loads and losses, electricity, plumbing, and water delivery.

This course focuses on several kinds of writing-self-expressive, informative, and argumentative/persuasive, and others. A minimum of five essay compositions are required. The course emphasizes the composition of clear, correct, and effective prose required in a variety of professions and occupations. Prerequisites: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or EN090 Basic Writing Skills or SL116 ESL4: Advanced Composition or SL145 ESOL Advanced Composition

This web-based course provides a basic understanding of NYS public school budgeting and accounting fundamentals, including financial statements and cost and managerial relationships. An introduction to the regulatory authorities of public school accounting is included.

This web-based course focuses on the principles of commercial construction using a sustainable methodology. Green building principles such as energy efficiency, environmental impacts, resource conservation, indoor air quality, renewable energy sources, and community issues are studied. National and International programs for design as well as building rating systems are investigated. Codes and building standards are reviewed with emphasis on the LEEDS standards. Current building ratings and standards are reviewed.