Associate in Science Degree

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High School Mathematics Courses A and B or the equivalent, and one year laboratory science are required. Chemistry and Physics are recommended. For students seeking a career in physics, the following specific courses should be taken to prepare for the upper division courses.

Goal 1 To prepare graduates to successfully transfer to a four-year institution in a related field of study.

  • Graduates of the program will transfer will full junior level status to a four-year institution in a related field of study.

Goal 2 To prepare graduates to effectively use technology to collect, analyze and display data as well as problem solve

  • Students will utilize computer hardware to collect/analyze data and problem solve.

Goal 3 To prepare students to develop scientific documentation skills necessary for physics programs.

  • Students will maintain lab records hand-written and/or electronically.
  • Students apply a qualitative and scientific approach to problem solving.
  • Students demonstrate techniques for the creation, retrieval and graphic analysis of scientific databases.

Goal 4 The student will work as part of a group to complete laboratory assignments and projects

  • Students will demonstrate their ability to function effectively within a group.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to interact with the members of the group in a give and take manner.
  • Students will demonstrate an ability to respect diverse opinions within the group and effectively compromise to develop workable solutions.

Goal 5 Enable students to develop analytical problem solving skills

  • Students will develop theoretical hypotheses, collect experimental data and reach logical conclusions as to why some discrepancies exist for a variety of problems from the sciences.

Goal 6 To prepare students to communicate effectively in the field of Physics

  • In their lab based computing and science classes students will be part of a group and write laboratory reports.
  • In their programming course students will write appropriately documented programs.
  • Students will make oral presentations as required in physics courses.

Goal 7 To prepare students to demonstrate information literacy

  • Students will use traditional and contemporary information technology.
  • Students will identify, access, and appropriately use authoritative sources of information.

Total Credit Hours: 63

First Semester

This course is an opportunity for students to develop the skills necessary to be successful in college. Students learn the importance of the faculty-student and advisor-advisee relationship, develop time management techniques, apply effective study skill techniques, recognize the implications of living in a diverse society, utilize college resources, and explore career and transfer requirements. Collaborative projects are included. Students matriculated in a degree program must take this course in their first term of study.

This course focuses on several kinds of writing-self-expressive, informative, and argumentative/persuasive, and others. A minimum of five essay compositions are required. The course emphasizes the composition of clear, correct, and effective prose required in a variety of professions and occupations. Prerequisites: Appropriate high school GPA or placement test score or EN090 Basic Writing Skills or SL116 ESL4: Advanced Composition or SL145 ESOL Advanced Composition

This course introduces to the field of chemistry for science and engineering students. Topics include dimensional analysis, stoichiometry, periodicity, atomic structure and bonding, the states of matter, solutions, and acid and base concepts. The laboratory exercises exemplify chemical principles and develop individual problem-solving abilities. The laboratory experience includes preparation of the laboratory report and notebook. Prerequisites: High School Chemistry; and appropriate high school GPA or placement test score, or MA121 Fundamentals of College Mathematics 1, or MA139 College Algebra, or a corequisite of MA125 College Algebra and Trigonometry.

This is the first in a sequence of three courses in calculus. Topics include limits and continuity, differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, and indefinite and definite integration. Applications are included. Prerequisite: An appropriate placement test score or MA150 Precalculus.

This course provides a comprehensive study of C++ with an emphasis on sound structured programming principles, good style, and top-down method of program design. It covers the designing, coding, executing, and debugging of C++ programs to solve problems in a variety of fields. Corequisite: CI110 Principles of Programming or ES151 Introduction to Engineering.

This is an introductory course designed to meet the needs of Engineering and Physical science students. The course provides an introduction to a variety of computational and data analysis skills necessary for a scientific and/or engineering career. Topics include computer organization, structured engineering and scientific programming, scientific word processing, spreadsheet and graphical analysis, and presentation techniques. Prerequisite: Three years of college preparatory mathematics including trigonometry.

Take any Physical Education Course

Second Semester

This course encourages a deeper understanding of human nature and the human condition through the study of ideas and values expressed in imaginative literature. Emphasis is placed on the use and development of critical thinking and language skills. Library-oriented research is required. Prerequisite: EN101 English 1: Composition or EN105 English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages or EN106 English 1: Composition & Reading.

This course is a continuation of CH141 General Chemistry 1. Topics include chemical thermodynamics, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical and solution equilibrium, descriptive organic chemistry, nuclear chemistry, and descriptive chemistry of elements. Prerequisite: CH141 General Chemistry 1.

This is the second in a sequence of three courses in calculus. Topics include the integration of trigonometric functions, the differentiation and integration of the inverse trigonometric functions, further techniques in integration, L’Hopital’s Rule, improper integrals, and infinite series. Applications are included. Prerequisite: MA151 Calculus 1.

This is a calculus-based physics course for mathematics, physics, and engineering students. Topics include translational motion, particle dynamics, work and energy, momentum and impulse, rotational kinematics, rigid body motion, gravitation, vibrational motion, wave motion, and acoustics. Prerequisites: MA151 Calculus 1.

Take any Physical Education Course

Third Semester

This course presents a calculus-based introduction to linear circuit analysis. Topics include electrical laws, quantities, and DC and AC circuits. Analysis techniques include mesh and nodal approaches, Thevenin, Norton, superposition, and source transformation, as well as phasor analysis. Balanced three-phase and transformer circuits are presented, analysis techniques are discussed, and computer-based circuit simulation tools are introduced. Corequisites: MA253 Calculus 3 and PH262 Engineering Physics 2.

This is the third in a sequence of three courses in calculus. Topics include polar and space coordinates, parametric equations, the algebra and calculus of vectors, partial differentiation, and multiple integration. Applications are included. Prerequisite: MA152 Calculus 2.

This calculus-based physics course in electricity, magnetism, geometrical optics, and physics optics is for mathematics, physics, and engineering students. Topics include Coulomb’s Law, the electric field, potential, capacitance, Ohm’s Law, DC circuits, the magnetic field, charged particle ballistics, induced EMF, inductance, Maxwell’s Equations, alternating current circuits, geometrical optics, and physical optics. Prerequisites: MA152 Calculus 2; PH261 Engineering Physics 1.

Take any Physical Education Course

Take either AN101, PS101, PY101 or SO101

Forth Semester

This course introduces the nature and study of history, and covers the emergence and development of Eurasian civilization to about 1500 A.D. in the Near East, India, China, Europe, the Western Hemisphere, and Africa. Attention is given to religion in these civilizations and on the rise of the West to a position of world power during the Middle Ages.

This course introduces the concepts and theory of ordinary differential equations. Topics include existence and uniqueness of solutions, and separable, homogenous, exact, and linear differential equations. Methods involving integrating factors, undetermined coefficients, and variation of parameters, power series, numerical approximation, and systems of differential equations using differential operators are covered. Applications are drawn from geometry, chemistry, biology, and physics. Prerequisite: MA152 Calculus 2. (Spring Semester only)

This course begins with geometric concepts and transitions to more abstract reasoning. Topics include systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, determinants, vector spaces, bases, linear transformations, Eigen values, and inner products. Prerequisite: MA152 Calculus 2. (Spring Semester only)

This calculus based course provides an introduction to thermodynamics as well as an overview of major developments in physics from the early 20th century through today. Topics include heat, kinetic theory, thermodynamics, Einstein’s special theory of relativity, quantum nature of light, wave nature of particles, atomic structure, molecular physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, and cosmology. Prerequisite: MA253 Calculus 3 and PH262 Engineering Physics 2.

This course introduces the physical description of waves and oscillatory motion and the mathematical techniques used in analyzing such phenomena. Topics include harmonic oscillators, wave packets, normal modes, electromagnetic waves, interference, diffraction, Fourier analysis, and eigenvectors. Co-requisites: MA260 Differential equations and MA280 Linear Algebra.

Take any Physical Education Course

(a) Computer and Information Sciences Electives include: CI130 Programming in C++ OR CI140 Computer Programming for Engineers & Scientists.

(b) Social Science Electives include: AN101, PS101, PY101 or SO101.