Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, Associate in Applied Science, Associate in Occupational Studies

Due to the multiple degree types available through Individual Studies, students planning on enrolling at the College for the first time should consult with the Admissions Office before filing an application for admission.

Degree Program:

Some students have needs and goals different from those of traditional students who often are continuing their education directly from high school. Many have jobs and families, both of which influence their education. First, there is the need for specifically job-related courses. Then, when a level of competence has been gained, the student often feels the need for a basic college education and the resulting degree. The structured programs designed for full-time students have less relevance for the part-time student. Often these students do not plan to transfer to an upper-division curriculum or need the broader knowledge of an extensive technology curriculum. Usually they need only courses demanded by the immediate promotion needs of the job. The College has established a curriculum in Individual Studies that includes the following:

General Requirements:

  1. The curriculum requires a minimum of 60 credit hours or their equivalent, plus two credit hours of Physical Education and one credit hour of College Foundations Seminar.
  2. Prior to a formal request for degree candidacy, the student must have completed a detailed plan of study.
  3. The student will submit a detailed plan of study when applying for degree candidacy. This plan will include a summary of all past educational credits which the student wishes to have accepted toward completion of the curriculum. This plan is to be submitted as part of the degree candidacy process, and will be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Department depending on the student’s area of concentration. Changes may be made by the student later, with the approval of the appropriate Dean.
  4. The plan will include a projected body of work to be known as the student’s area of concentration. This area is to be a cohesive body of knowledge which the student can justify as having both educational and personal relevance. It is anticipated that this area, which will include a minimum of 20 credits, may cut across Department lines.

Associate in Occupational Studies in Individual Studies

The student will complete a six-credit-hour requirement in English that includes EN110 Oral & Written Communication and EN147 Report Writing. The student will complete an eight-hour sequence in Mathematics that includes MA105 Technical Mathematics 1 and MA106 Technical Mathematics 2. The student may make substitutions of other higher-level English and Mathematics courses with the approval of the Individual Studies advisor.

Associate in Science in Individual Studies

In addition to the general requirements, the following are required:

  1. The student must submit a comprehensive plan of study clearly designating a block of 18 credits identifiable as an area of concentration. Of these, nine credits must be in addition to the General Education, Mathematics, and Science units specified in the SUNY General Education Quick Reference Guide.
  2. General Education courses as prescribed by the AS degree requirements.

Associate in Applied Science in Individual Studies

In addition to the general requirements, the following are required:

  1. The student must submit a comprehensive plan of study clearly designating a block of 18 credits identifiable as an area of concentration. The credits included in this portion of the student’s program may not be included in the general studies portion listed in the SUNY General Education Quick Reference Guide.
  2. The distribution and minimum content requirements of General Education, Liberal Arts and Sciences, must be at least 20 credit hours.
  3. General Education courses as prescribed by the AAS degree requirements.

Associate in Arts in Individual Studies

In addition to the general requirements, the following are required:

  1. The student must submit a comprehensive plan of study clearly designating a block of 18 credits identifiable as an area of concentration, of which at least nine credits must be in addition to the General Education, Mathematics, and Science units specified in the SUNY General Education Quick Reference Guide.
  2. The distribution and minimum content requirements of General Education, Liberal Arts and Sciences, must be at least 60 credit hours.
  3. General Education courses as prescribed by the AA degree requirements.

Due to the multiple degree types available through Individual Studies, students planning on enrolling at the College for the first time should  consult with the Admissions Office before filing an application for admission.