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This certificate provides students whose first language is not English with an opportunity to develop proficiency in English at an advanced Standard American English level. The program is designed for students who plan to continue in another college degree or certificate program, supplement an advanced degree from another country, or function in an English-speaking workplace, either in the United States or internationally.

English skills of students entering the program will be evaluated for appropriate placement. After initial placement, movement through courses is dependent upon successful completion of levelled courses and the satisfaction of prerequisites. Students who wish additional study may matriculate into a degree or additional certificate program once they have successfully completed required Advanced/Applied ESOL courses. In this way, students may complete the ESOL Certificate while beginning coursework in their majors.

Goal 1 To provide students an opportunity to obtain an official certification of high-level English language skills.

  • Graduates obtain the certificate and use the certificate as evidence of proficiency in English for employers or academic program admissions.

Goal 2 To prepare non-native English speakers to successfully communicate in educational and/or career settings.

  • Students will communicate information and ideas in written form, using correct structure, grammar, spelling, and organization.
  • Students will organize and present ideas in language appropriate to the situation and understandable to the audience.
  • Students will read and comprehend appropriate reading material.
  • Students will understand spoken English in everyday situations in and out of academe.

Goal 3 To prepare students to be successful in college-level courses.

  • ESL students will successfully complete EN101/EN105 or EN110.

Goal 4 To prepare students to demonstrate information literacy.

  • Students will use traditional and contemporary information technology.
  • Students will identify, access, and appropriately use authoritative sources of information.

Gainful Employment - follow the link below for gainful employment information.


Total Credit Hours: 37 - 38

First Semester

This course prepares non-native English speakers for basic academic reading. Emphasis is placed on finding main ideas, recognizing supporting details, understanding vocabulary in context, skimming and scanning, and interpreting and analyzing texts. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of "C" in SL102 ESL 2: Beginning English Skills 2, or SL123 ESOL Beginning Reading, or an appropriate placement test result.

This course introduces non-native English speakers to the idiomatic usage and listening and speaking skills necessary for academic settings. Main ideas and supporting points are listened for, summarized, and discussed in distinguishing between literal and idiomatic meanings. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of "C" in SL102 ESL 2: Beginning English Skills 2, or SL126 ESOL Beginning Listening & Speaking, or an appropriate placement test result.

This course introduces the non-native English speaker to the grammar necessary to speak and write academic English effectively. Topics include verb tenses, varied sentence structures, and modals at the intermediate level. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of "C" in SL 102 ESL 2: Beginning English Skills 2, or SL125 ESOL Beginning Grammar & Composition, or an appropriate placement test result.

This course introduces non-native English speakers to academic writing. Students learn to write focused, unified paragraphs and short compositions through the process of idea generation and development, paragraph organization, and revision. Students use grammar appropriate for specific purposes and develop self-editing skills. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of "C" in SL102 ESL2: Beginning English Skills 2 or SL125 Beginning Grammar & Composition, or an appropriate placement test result.

Second Semster

This course prepares advanced non-native English-speaking students for academic reading at the level necessary for college coursework. It focuses on developing vocabulary and strengthening interpretive reading and critical thinking skills as well as also introducing library search strategies. Students must earn a minimum grade of "C" or better to pass the course. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of "C" in SL105 ESL 3: Intermediate Reading or SL133 ESOL Intermediate Reading, or an appropriate placement test result.

This course prepares students to understand, benefit from, and succeed in college level coursework requiring advanced English comprehension, speaking and note-taking skills. The course focuses on live, audio-taped and/or video-taped lectures on content area topics from which the students practice note-taking skills, oral and written summaries and paraphrases, and discussions of content. The course also includes oral reports and group discussions. Students must earn a minimum grade of "C" or better to pass the course. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of "C" SL108 ESL 3: Intermediate Listening and Speaking or SL136: ESOL Intermediate Listening and Speaking, or an appropriate placement test result.

This course prepares non-native English speakers to use grammar for effective written and oral communication in academic settings. Topics include advanced verb tenses, relative clauses, and conditionals. Students apply grammar concepts in speaking and writing activities. Students must earn a minimum grade of "C" or better to pass the course. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of "C" in SL107 ESL 3: Intermediate Grammar or SL134 Intermediate Grammar, or an appropriate placement test result

This courses introduces non-native English speakers to the writing of well-organized and well-developed essays. It focuses on form and content, improving the clarity and sophistication of written expression in English. Students must earn a minimum grade of "C" or better to pass the course. Prerequisite: A minimum grade of "C" in SL106 ESL 3: Intermediate Composition or SL135 ESOL Intermediate Composition, or appropriate placement test result.

Third Semester

(a) Language Electives include: SL 120 Pronunciation in Practice OR SL 124 Applied Grammar

(b) English Electives include: EN 105 English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages OR EN101 English I: Composition

(c) Choose an entry level course required in another certificate or degree program-See advisor course required in another certificate or program - See advisor.

(c) Choose an entry level course required in another certificate or degree program-See advisor course required in another certificate or program - See advisor.

(a) Language Electives include: SL 120 Pronunciation in Practice OR SL 124 Applied Grammar

(b) English Electives include: EN 105 English Composition for Speakers of Other Languages OR EN101 English I: Composition

(c) Choose an entry level course required in another certificate or degree program course required in another certificate or program - See advisor.