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The Certificate in Law Enforcement demonstrates a commitment to excellence by creating an innovative program that meets the needs of the diverse population in the Mohawk Valley. This certificate program is designed to prepare students for careers in law enforcement. The 33 credit-hour program enables students to complete Phase I of basic police training under the direction of the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. Although the program does not guarantee employment into a police department, all academic, practical, and physical fitness requirements will be met. This will provide graduates a competitive edge over other applicants as their qualifications will offer savings to hiring departments and agencies.

Goal 1. Prepare students to enter the field of Law Enforcement

  • Graduates of the program will enter into a career in Law Enforcement or related fields.
  • Graduates will indicate satisfaction with preparation.

Goal 2. Prepare students to speak and write effectively

  • Students will demonstrate their ability to research, write, and document clear reports.
  • Students will demonstrate their ability to devise and confidently deliver clear oral reports.

Goal 3. Prepare students to interact in a diverse population

  • Student will demonstrate their understanding and respect for diverse points of view.
  • Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the diverse cultures and communities that comprise US society.

Goal 4. Prepare students to analyze quantitative information, and think critically

  • Students will be able to read, interpret, and use social science data skillfully.

Goal 5. To prepare students to demonstrate information literacy

  • Students will use traditional and contemporary information technology.
  • Students will identify, access, and appropriately use authoritative sources of information.

Gainful Employment - follow the link below for gainful employment information.


Total Credit Hours: 32

First Semester

In this course, students examine the operations of the criminal justice system with a specific emphasis on the role and responsibilities of police officers. There is a particular focus on the legal basis for law enforcement operations derived from the United States Constitution. In addition, students explore New York State Penal Law, Civil Procedure law, Vehicle and Traffic Law, and Juvenile Procedures. Routine patrol responsibilities are also explained.

In this course, students study various topics, actions, and procedures required to investigate a crime. It provides students with proven techniques that assist in obtaining information critical to any investigation. This includes street traffic stops, as well as violation, misdemeanor, and felony investigations.

This course covers community relations issues as well as the skills needed to address them. Topics include cultural diversity and special needs of the community. Emphasis is placed on ethical issues and the limitations of community resources and services, and crime prevention. The course also addresses effective and compassionate approaches to child abuse cases.

This course introduces students to a comprehensive fitness program, including strength training, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility enhancement. Students develop the basic knowledge to pursue fitness as a lifetime endeavor.

Second Semester

This course examines the history and contemporary aspects of law enforcement. It introduces students to fundamental police processes, particularly the role that discretion plays in policing. The bodies of law that are relevant to law enforcement are practically applied and critical thinking skills are developed and assessed through exercises both inside and outside the classroom. The use of force continuum is explained, practiced and evaluated. Students begin to develop the physical skills and defense tactics necessary to transition into a law enforcement career.

This course introduces students to the intermediate skills required of police officers. Building on the foundation received through the successful completion of LE118 Police Procedures - Basic, students begin to learn more advanced techniques of police observation and patrol. Application of the scientific method in both accident and criminal investigation is developed. Ancillary New York State law is discussed and practically applied.

Building on the foundations of the LE118 Police Procedures-Basic and LE 119 Police Procedures-Intermediate, this course immerses the students in the more advanced techniques of American policing. Students employ the laws, techniques, and methodologies required of the modern law enforcement officer. Essential proficiencies are applied through continued hands-on development. Students display competencies in advanced areas including crowd control techniques, responding to incidents of domestic violence, detecting and apprehending intoxicated drivers, and responding to unusual incidents.

This course covers the physiological capacity for successful completion of the fitness requirement for an entry-level police officer as prescribed by the Municipal Police Training Council of the State of New York. The NYS Police Officer minimum fitness requirements are incorporated.

This course introduces basic self-defense moves, escapes from grabs, using restraining holds, kicking techniques and punching. Escaping and restraining will be done with partners. Punching and kicking will be done against targets and pads held by partners. This is not formal Martial Arts training; this is an introduction only. Emphasis is placed on preventative measures for personal protection.